Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum observed World Consumer Rights Day

Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum observed World Consumer Rights Day

Guwahati, Rongili Barta- Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum, Assam in association with Consumer Coordination Council, New Delhi organised an awareness meeting on the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day 2023 in the premises of Unique Law Institute, Sixmile , Guwahati today. Students, faculty members and the representatives of local civil society organisations largely attended in the awareness program. Advocate Ajoy Hazarika, Secretary, Consumers Legal Protection Forum elaborately discuss on this year theme : empowering consumers through clean energy transitions. Advocate Hazarika, GC member, Consumer Coordination Council, New Delhi said, “Last year global energy prices were estimated to rise by an average of 50% by the year end, impacting people everywhere and causing many to drastically change their lifestyles to pay for energy. Today’s challenge is to help consumers through present difficulties whilst enabling a rapid transition that guarantees sustainability, security, and affordability in the long term. Consumers could be the missing catalyst for change. We are all consumers of energy services, and as consumers, we all have the potential to drive tipping points in the transition. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that demand-side changes could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70% by 2050. But current energy systems and policies have not been designed from the perspective of the end user.” The participants from the civil society organisations emphasis on shifting energy production away from sources that release a lot of green house gases, such as fossil fuels, to those that release little to no green house gases like nuclear power, hydro, wind and solar which are the sources of clean energy.