MoA signed between SITA and ASTEC on an Integrated and automated set up for preparation and vending of Panipuri

MoA signed between SITA and ASTEC on an Integrated and automated set up for preparation and vending of Panipuri

Dispur, Rongili Barta-  A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA), Assam and Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) on the project titled “An Integrated and Automated Set up for preparation and vending of Panipuri” in the presence of Hon’ble Vice-Chairman Ramen Deka at his office chamber at Janata Bhawan, Dispur. The project was signed by Chief Executive Officer Sri M.S Manivannan, IAS on behalf of SITA and Dr. Jaideep Baruah on behalf of ASTEC respectively. As per the agreement, ASTEC will be working on the concept with the need of developing a health improving food system in addition to convenience in delivery of the attractive panipuri to the consumers. It has been agreed upon that ASTEC will incorporate Sri Saurav Jyoti Sarma as the Principal Investigator of the project as he being the inventor of the entire mechanism of the project. The project is aimed to support the innovator who developed a machine for preparation and vending of panipuri without a vendor. The focus is to provide panipuri in large scale and in lesser amount of time and labour. Installation of this machine will require less space and suitable for Malls, restaurants, luxury hotels, airports etc.