Ward level EMEx in all Wards of GMC kicked off today 

Ward level EMEx in all Wards of GMC kicked off today 

Guwahati, Rongili Barta- The District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Kamrup  Metro, in association with Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has started the  Ward level Emergency Management Exercise (EMEx) in all the 60 nos. of Guwahati Municipal  Corporation (GMC) Wards today. The 3 months long programme has been kicked off at  Padumbari Community Hall, Gotanagar for Ward no. 2 and Manikanchan Marmeswar Bhawan,  Pub Boragaon for Ward no 11. The emergency management exercise will be of 2 days duration,  where, the DDMA will conduct a hands on training and drill on Fire safety techniques, Search and  Rescue and First Aid followed by a table top exercise and practical demonstration on the same.  


The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sumit Sattwan, IAS, District Commissioner, Kamrup  Metro, in presence of Shri Ajit Sarma, ACS, Addl. District Commissioner & Chief Executive  Officer, DDMA, Kamrup (M), Shri Hemanga Nabis, ACS, Joint Commissioner, GMC, Shri  Alakananda Medhi, State Project Coordinator (SPC), ADSMA, Shri Mukul Kalita, Ward  Councilor, Ward No 2, Smti. Manjula Devi, Ward Councilor, Ward No 11 and the senior officials  from F&ES/SDRF, Civil Defence, ASDMA and DDMA Kamrup Metro. The whole programme  will continue in phase wise till the month of November, 2024. 

The objective of the programme is to constitute a ward level Disaster Management Committee and  task Force under the Chairmanship of concerned Ward Councilor involving the community  participation in Disaster Management and its capacity building through hands on training on Fire  safety techniques, Search and Rescue and First Aid. This committee will also help the district  administration in dissemination of any kind of disaster related information, surveillance of the  disaster vulnerable areas, and initial response during any disaster.