The Impact of Covid on Humans and their behaviours in Post-Covid era – Rita Moni Kalita

The Impact of Covid on Humans and their behaviours in Post-Covid era – Rita Moni Kalita

As we all know, covid has adversely affected the livelihoods in our country. Families in both
Urban & Rural areas got affected from this Pandemic. It has generated unending tales of
sufferings and misery in everyone’s lives, with many families losing their sons, daughters,
parents and in some, their sole bread earners. Amidst all these woes, Covid 19 has made an
everlasting impact in our day-to-day behaviours and priorities.
We are now more than a year into the pandemic, It created a huge impact on every sphere of
human life. Digital tools, virtual meetings became the forefront in our education and
professional lives. Conventional and traditional methods got replaced by new and innovative
means. Online teaching extensively replaced our classrooms and tuitions. Hard covered
books got partially replaced with electronic gadgets like tablets, laptops, smart phones etc.
This pandemic has also taught us the value and contribution of our domestic helps whom we
use for our daily household activities. Things which we earlier took for granted, now had to be

managed and ensured by us. We learned Atma Nirbharta in true sense, by becoming self-
dependent and self-sufficient.

The disease for now has plateaued in various areas due to concrete and tireless efforts of our
health workers, and with due time, this too will become a thing of past. It is indeed a fact, that
the loss incurred by covid can never be undone or overlooked, but there are certain lessons
that Covid has taught to the mankind. Covid has brought in a change of priorities in our lives.
Money, luxury and other lavish lifestyles have been rendered less important, while Health,
Family, Nature & Relationships have gained more importance in our lives. Our consumption
pattern has also changed with people including natural immune boosters in their daily diets.
People’s love for plants and tree have also augmented, with many resorting to gardening in
their home spaces. Money Plants, Snake plants etc. have become a necessary part of
everyone’s household now. Yoga, Meditation & Exercise have become an integral part of
everyone’s routine now, which otherwise were limited only to the health-conscious ones and
gym goers. Such trends are not only seen in urban areas but also in Rural areas.
Thus, I end this with a hope that the generation would walk out through this tough time with a
sense of oneness and brotherhood and the feeling of gratitude that we have cultivated for
each other and our surroundings lasts forever.

**The End**

Rita Moni Kalita