SITA Vice Chairman Shri Narayan Chandra Borkataky visits Kanai Barasi Bowa Archaeological Site on World Heritage Week Celebration

SITA Vice Chairman Shri Narayan Chandra Borkataky visits Kanai Barasi Bowa Archaeological Site on World Heritage Week Celebration.

Dispur,Rongili Barta: Hon’ble Vice-Chairman Shri Narayan Chandra Borkataky of State Innovation & Transformation Aayog (SITA), Assam attended the program of World Heritage Week at the archaeological site of Kanai Barasi Bowa Rock Inscription at North Guwahati, Kamrup district as the Chief Guest on November 23, 2024 on the occasion of World Heritage Week celebration. The awareness meeting was jointly organized by the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam, and the Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture Department in association with the District Administration, Kamrup.

Addressing a largely-attended meeting, Hon’ble Vice-Chairman said that we are proud of our nation because of its cultural and archeological heritage. He also mentioned that it is our utmost duty to conserve the heritage sites of Assam and spoked at length about preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage which have become essential with the rapid advancements of globalization and modernization endeavors constantly threatening historical artifacts and sites across the world. He also stressed the importance of creating awareness amongst the people for the protection and preservation of the rich cultural heritage of Assam for the next generation.He also mentioned that he would give utmost support from SITA, Assam in conserving and preservation of the heritage of Assam.

The awareness meeting aimed at preserving and protecting heritage was organized as part of World Heritage Week was also attended by Shri Deba Kumar Mishra, District Commissioner, Kamrup; Dr Sudeshna Bhattacharya, Director of ABILAC, Dr Bhaskarjyoti Sarma, Associate Professor Dept. of Language and Linguistics, ABILAC and officials from the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam.The awareness meeting was jointly organized by the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam, and the Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture Department in association with the District Administration, Kamrup.