Governor attends All India Civil Defence & Home Guards day

Governor attends All India Civil Defence & Home Guards day

Pays his gratitude to selfless service of civil defence and home guard personnel

Guwahati, Rongili Barta- Assam Governor Shri Gulab Chand Kataria  attended the All India Civil Defence & Home Guards day celebrated at Central Training Institute( Civil Defence & Home Guards), Panikhaiti in the city. Speaking on the occasion, Governor Shri Kataria said that Civil Defence and Home Guards serve as second line of support to the Police and Civil Administration which also help in maintaining law and order. They have always been instrumental in supporting the local administration in harnessing and coordinating the community in times of crisis. They also at times make supreme sacrifices in the line of duty.  Shri Kataria also said that commemorating the day provides an opportunity to remember the achievements and the high level of professionalism, determination and hard work of the Civil Defense and Home Guards. “This is the day when we all share our pride and sense of gratitude  and infuse a sense of enthusiasm within ourselves. On this occasion, we should remember those Civil Defense and Home Guards volunteers who always render their selfless services to the nation be it the external attacks of 1962, 1965 and 1971 or any kind of natural or man-made disaster,” the Governor added. Shri Kataria also said that since the identity of a person is his work, he asked all to maintain a good health and contribute to the maximum in making India a prosperous nation and a world leader. Director General of Civil Defense and Commandant General of Home Guards, Shri S.N. Singh, Inspector General of Police Civil Defense and Home Guards Arabinda Kalita along with a host of other dignitaries were present on the occasion.