All India Motor Bike Rally by the Tibetan Youth Congress 

All India Motor Bike Rally by the Tibetan Youth Congress 
M Hashim Ali,Dibrugarh,Rongili Barta- The Tibetan Youth Congress is organizing a bike rally starting from the Bum-la Pass at the Indo-Tibet border in Arunachal Pradesh on November 22, 2024. This rally will span 15,000 kilometres across more than 20 states in India. Throughout the rally, participants will engage with members of Parliament, members of the Legislative Assembly, Tibet support groups and news media, while also raising awareness among the Indian populace about the critical issues facing Tibet.The primary objective of this rally is to expose the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Regime in Tibet and to oppose its illegitimate rule, which has persisted for over six decades. We aim to draw urgent international attention to the ongoing cultural genocide in Tibet, where China is implementing hard-line policies designed to systematically eradicate Tibetan culture and identity. These policies include the forced enrolment of Tibetan children into colonial-style boarding schools, restricting access to educational activities related to Tibetan culture, and imprisoning teachers and individuals who strive to preserve the Tibetan language. Additionally, the forced closure of Tibetan schools and monastic institutions poses a significant threat to the preservation of Tibetan culture, language, and spiritual heritage. This blatant violation of rights and freedoms serves as a stark reminder of the Chinese government’s relentless efforts to suppress Tibetan identity. Therefore, we call upon the Indian government, along with the international community and nongovernmental organizations, to raise their voices in demanding that China put an end to this cultural genocide in Tibet.For thousands of years, Tibet existed as an independent country, maintaining harmonious relationships with its neighbours through cultural and civilizational exchanges. However, following the unfortunate occupation of Tibet by the People’s Republic of China in 1959, the historically peaceful Indo-Tibet border was shattered. Driven by its expansionist policies, the Chinese Communist Regime has instigated infiltration into Indian territory, posing a direct threat to India’s border security and sovereignty. The developmental projects undertaken by China in the border regions exacerbate this threat. Therefore, we urge the Indian government to remain vigilant and cautious regarding China’s strategic development initiatives, as they may have far-reaching implications for regional security and stability. As we assert, “Tibet’s Independence is India’s Security.” We call on the Indian government to adopt a resolution that supports the historical independent status of Tibet and recognizes the historical Indo-Tibet border. In recent years, the Chinese communist government has intensified the exploitation of Tibet’s rich mineral resources under the guise of developmental projects, endangering the environment of the Tibetan Plateau and threatening the survival of historically significant sites and monasteries. The damming projects on the Drichu River and other rivers in Tibet will have devastating implications for the livelihoods of Tibetans and downstream countries. The  massive damming initiatives and nuclear production, combined with the  dumping of nuclear waste and reckless development policies, are wreaking havoc on Tibet’s environment, subsequently contributing to ecological  imbalance worldwide. We urge attention from downstream countries regarding these developments on the Tibetan Plateau and call for action to curtail China’s  reckless activities in Tibet. Throughout this bike rally, we will be visiting Tibetan winter markets across India to promote awareness about the ongoing cultural genocide perpetrated by the  Chinese Communist Regime in Tibet, as well as to emphasize the importance of  unity against China.