A very happy new year to all of the people.- Uddipon Goswami

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A very happy new year to all of the people.

2020 and 2021 gone with so many sadness and with all bad things happened with all the world.. Understandable Lockdown a very big virus we all say corona. This virus takes the whole world into depression so many people died so many people are been infected now the new virus come omicron. This virus is seen so dangerous. So the government was going to give the lockdown again. In this new year 2022 we need to fight with the virus. Always put your mask on, animals regularly and sanitize. The gone 2 years has been so bad but in this year all problems of all people will be solve all people will be happy and I wish that there will be no sort of money for all of the people. This year will be the best year. We need to pray that this year will be happy for all of the people. 2022 will be the year of happiness and of full of love. Thanku Your Grateful

Uddipon Goswami,.
class- 6