SITA Vice-Chairman reviews ongoing project with implementing partner Gauhati University

SITA Vice-Chairman reviews ongoing project with implementing partner Gauhati University

Dispur,Rongili Barta- State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA) Vice-Chairman Ramen Deka reviews its ongoing project entitled “An approach for enhancement of Muga Silkworm Production in Assam” with its implementing partner namely Gauhati University today at the Gauhati University Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University. A detail Powerpoint presentation was given by Dr. Kangkana Kataki, Research Associate and Nilutpal Saikia, Junior Research Fellow on the various activities taken up on the project. The review meeting discussed the production of disease free eggs using cryopreservation, seed certification, production of quality planting material for muga silkworm production, identification of pest and diseases of muga silkworm using metagenomics, identification for reasons of stress and management of pest and diseases of silkworm and its host plant. After a threadbare discussion on the project, Hon’ble Vice-Chairman Ramen Deka spoke on the importance of giving awareness to the farmers so that the objectives of enhancing production may reach the grass-root level. He also stressed that the technicalities must be made aware to the cultivators so that production increases and be beneficial for making livelihood. The review meeting was attended by Dr. Manab Deka, Professor & Head of Department, D.S Hazari, ARO SITA and other officials.