SITA Vice-Chairman gave a report on the works of SITA and releases a Newsletter

SITA Vice-Chairman gave a report on the works of SITA and releases a Newsletter

Dispur, Rongili Barta- State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA) Vice- Chairman Sri Ramen Deka interacted with the media persons today at a press meet held at Janata Bhawan. Co-Vice Chairman Sri Dhruba Prasad Baishya and Chief Executive Officer Sri M.S Manivannan, IAS were also present in the press meet. Addressing the meeting, Sri Ramen Deka, Vice-Chairman elaborated on the various projects and schemes taken up by SITA during this period. He spoke about SITA sponsored Project entitled “ Designing Climate Resilient Practices to Strengthen Management of Kaziranga and Manas Landscape” along with the implementing Partner Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) which holds a 15th day training programme on “Wild Bee Keeping and Processing” in Harinchara area, Baska District. He spoke about the project alongwith IIT, Guwahati a project entitled “Annotated Atlas of the Heritage Sites of Assam”. He elaborated about a project along with Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, a project entitled “Up-scaling of Livelihood: Implication through Smart Agriculture and Agri-Eco-Tourism” with an aim to develop a climate-smart model agriculture, create farmer-friendly water harvesting structures, maintain soil health and control pest and disease, to encourage integral farming system, to build tourist family accommodation. The Vice-Chairman talks on a project along with Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) a project entitled “An Integrated and Automated set-up for Preparation and Vending of Panipuri”.

The other points spoken by the Vice- Chairman are:

1. The SITA sponsored Project entitled “Integrated Approaches for Women Empowerment adopting Scientific Organized Goat Farming for Livelihood Enchancement and Establishment of Model Goat Farming” along with the implementing Partner Director of Research (VETY.), Assam Agricultural University which holds a Two day training programme at Nalbari District.

2. SITA had a discussion with a delegates from Japan as a prelude to the ASSAM-JAPAN GATEWAY 2023 to be organized in the month of November, 2023 along with MIRAI Japanese Learning Centre, Guwahati.

3. SITA have selected 5 institutions viz. J.B College, Jorhat, B.N College, Dhubri, Darrang College, Tezpur, G.C College, Silchar and Cotton University, Guwahati for “Civil Services Study Centres at Universities and Colleges”.

4. SITA formally inaugurated project “SAMRIDDHI POULTRY” at Goriaghuli Cluster under Dimoria Development Block, Kamrup (M) of the sanctioned project namely “ Samriddhi Poultry: An innovative Approach for Economic Empowerment of Rural Women of Assam through Model Egg Village” executed with its implementing partner Director of Research (VETY.), Assam Agricultural University.

5. SITA had a meeting with Housing & Urban Affairs Minister Shri Ashok Singhal along with officials of line department on the various issues of the Guwahati City.

In today’s meeting, Vice-Chairman Sri Ramen Deka releases a Newsletter, a publication of State Innovation and Transformation Aayog (SITA), Assam.