Shri K Annamalai, Former IPS and Dr. D. Sudhakara Rao, IRS, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, inaugurate the ICSI National Tax Conference in Chennai  

Shri K Annamalai, Former IPS and Dr. D. Sudhakara Rao, IRS, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, inaugurate the ICSI National Tax Conference in Chennai  

Rongili Barta- The Institute of Company Secretaries of India organised the ICSI National Tax Conference, in Chennai, on 2 January 2025, in the august presence of distinguished Guests of Honour, Shri K Annamalai, Former IPS and Dr. D. Sudhakara Rao, IRS, the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Chennai.

Quoting the motto of the ICSI, Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara -Speak the truth abide by the Law, Dr. D. Sudhakara Rao stated that “CS plays a pivotal role in guarding the Corporate Governance. Our regulators have full faith in Company Secretaries”. 

Shri. K. Annamala, specified that more Company Secretaries would be required with the growing number companies for the economic growth of the country. He further added that “Company Secretaries, with ethics as their base, are the opinion makers and guardians of Corporate Governance in the country”.

Aimed at decoding the proposed Direct Tax Code (DTC), that is set to reform India’s tax system by rationalizing and simplifying the core tax legislation to facilitate compliance and efficiency, the conference focused on capacity building in this arena. 

While the first session dealt with the critical aspects of Direct Tax Audit, the second session highlighted Representation before the tax authorities.

Emphasizing on the importance of organising this Conference, CS B Narasimhan, President, The ICSI, said, “Since the proposed Direct Tax Code (DTC) is expected to be presented in the Parliament as a part of Union Budget 2025, it is imperative that Company Secretaries understand the nuances and equip themselves for the opportunities that would unfold”. 

CS Mohan Kumar A, Council Member, The ICSI; CS Pradeep B Kulkarni, Chairman, SIRC of the ICSI, were also present on the occasion.