Sarma launches Rashtriya Poshan Maah

Sarma launches Rashtriya Poshan Maah

Guwahati, Rongili Barta-  Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday launched Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2022 under Poshan Abhiyan in a program organized by the women & child development department in the city. Speaking on the occasion, Sarma said that following the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make the country free from malnutrition, the State government has been implementing a number of programs to eradicate malnutrition and anaemia. Sarma said that a State project management unit has been set up for monitoring the implementation of Poshan Abhiyan in Assam. Six services under the integrated child development scheme (ICDS) have been monitored by this unit that have played an important role in eradicating anaemia among pregnant women & adolescent girls, underweight & malnutrition in children, etc. He further added that for effective implementation of ICDS services at the level of anganwadi centres, a mobile application named Poshan Tracker has been implemented across the State. So far 61,690 mobiles have been distributed among anganwadi workers and they have been trained accordingly. Several ICDS services have been monitored through this app, where 42,83,529 beneficiaries are registered with it till date. Stating that the government is making all possible efforts to encourage Jan Bhagidari (public participation) to turn the Poshan Abhiyan into a Jan Andolan (mass movement), Sarma informed that a campaign called Poshan Panchayat will be organized across Assam during Poshan Maah this year. This is aimed at generating awareness about nutritious foods, ways to prevent anaemia, and maintaining hygiene during the menstruation period, he added. Moreover, through an initiative called Poshan Vatika, various activities will be taken up including plantation of medicinal trees at anganwadi centres and schools. Generating awareness about Yoga for good health, conducting anaemia eradication camps for adolescent girls in tea gardens are also on the card. In presence of State minister Ajanta Neog, Assam Legislative Assembly’s women & child welfare committee’s chairperson Suman Haripriya and several other dignitaries, Sarma disclosed that people should be made aware about locally available iron-rich food products, fruits & vegetables through various competitions. He also insisted on promoting Yoga among youth and urged the teachers to encourage students to practice it regularly.