Re-orientation Workshop on Adolescence Education Programme for Principals of DIETs and Inspectors of Schools
Rongili Barta: Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) organized a one day re-orientation workshop on Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) with principals of District Institute of Education & Training (DIET) and Inspector of Schools of all districts of the state on October 29, 2022 at Assam Administrative Staff College, Khanapara, Guwahati. Welcoming the participants, Project Director, Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) Pomi Baruah, ACS, said, “Adolescence Education Programme is implemented by state AIDS control societies through the DIETs and there are some districts in the state where the HIV prevalence rate is high and in those districts it must be ensured that more number of schools are covered under the programme.” She further said, “Recently, it has been found that there is an increase in number of new HIV infections amongst the drug users and thus HIV awareness amongst the adolescents and youths is the need of the hour. Without the support of the education department, ASCACS will not be able to reach out to the targeted population.” Baruah further suggested conducting a convergence meeting with education department as well as with other line departments for successful implementation of AEP. Additional Director, Elementary Education Department, Nripen Das, AES, stressed upon the implementation of the AEP programme in all the districts effectively and said that his department will offer the best possible support for the successful implementation of AEP. He further suggested that close monitoring of all the activities conducted under AEP has to be carried out jointly by ASACS with the support of district officials from the education department. Speaking during the inaugural session, Dr Anjanta Brahma , Additional Director, SCERT, said, “ As per new educational guidelines, while preparing the new curriculum for students and teachers, the topic of HIV with updated information will be included.” She also said that during the training of the Master Trainers conducted by SCERT, sessions on HIV will be allotted. The day long workshop included presentations by experts on updates of HIV/AIDS, HIV prevention, adolescents and drugs, implementation of AEP along with group activities with the participants.