National Health Mission, Assam conducts Swasthya Mantan- 4

National Health Mission, Assam conducts Swasthya Mantan- 4, Workshop cum review of all districts  on Operationalization of Health Institutions  

Reduction of Maternal and Infant Mortality, top priority of National Health Mission, Assam 

Guwahati, Rongili Barta- National Health Mission, Assam organises two days Swasthya  Manthan -4 (31st October and 01st November, 2022), with support from Ipas Foundation at Assam  Water Centre, Guwahati. The inaugural session was launched by Shri. Keshab Mahanta, Hon’ble  Health Minister Assam in the presence of Shri. Avinash Joshi, IAS, Principal Secretary – Health, Dr. M S  Lakshmi Priya, IAS, Mission Director – NHM, Assam, Dr. Nilmadhab Das, Director of Health Services, Dr  Ashok Roy, Director RRC-NE, Shri. Pankaj Chamuah, ACS, OSD NHM Assam, State Programme Officials  and District Programme Officials, NHM Assam 

The 2 day review workshop was held with participants from all the districts, led by the Joint Director of  Health Services, CMO (CD), SDM&HO, District Programme Managers, Zonal Engineer (Electrical),  Project Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer  (Instrumentation), District Drug Store Manager, Block Programme Managers among others.  

Further a district wise review was held on the health performance of each districts, and discussions  were held on how to improve the health of children and mothers. It is expected to determine any  further course correction that may be required by the districts and any handholding required to  improve the health indicators.  

In today’s review meet, the Best Performers from the State and District were also felicitated by  Hon’ble Health Minister for their hard work and dedication towards improving the health system in  their respective districts.  

It is worth mentioning here that as per reported figures Assam has shown improvement in the Health  Indicators- 

– The number of Maternal Death cases in 2022-23 (April – September) is reported as 289  against 384 number of deaths in 2021-22 (April – September), showing a decline of 95 deaths  (25%) 

– The number of Child Death cases in 2022-23 (April – September) is reported as 3,523 against  3,842 number of deaths in 2021-22 (April – September), showing a decline of 319 deaths  (8.3%).  

Hon’ble Health Minister appreciated the efforts made by Health & Family Welfare for improvement of  the health indicators. 

Hon’ble Health Minister also did the State launch of a few health initiatives for Assam,  

– PAALAN Programme: The Paalan 1000 campaign aims to provide a better future and extra  care to the children during the first 1000 days. The paalan 1000 journey of the first 1000 days  focuses on the physical and mental growth of children and their cognitive development of  children. 

– Financial Assistance to Parents of SNCU discharged High risk new born for facility follow up:- A  total of Rs.1000/- will be transferred to the accounts of parents directly @200/- per visit which  will improve the facility follow up, thereby reducing the neonatal and infant mortality and  morbidly in the schemes. 

– Tele Manas Program: Tele MANAS aims to provide free tele mental health services all over the  state. Establishing a new milestone in the field of mental health program.  

– A monitoring tool for HBNC & ANC services: In order to utilize the field level data more  efficiently and to ensure quality home visit for HBNC and ANC services, an online tool has  been developed which enable us to collect data from field using a mobile app and view the  report on Dashboard at district and State level. 

– Celebration of Climate Change Day: On 24th October, the international day against climate  change is celebrated, the annual event in which the United Nations organisation promotes  action against global warming and its effects. 

– Publication report launch of Swasthya Sewa Abhiyan-2, Last Swasthya Manthan’s, Swasthya  Sambad (An innovation way to refresh the knowledge and skills of frontline workers of sub  centres and PHC)  

It may be noted that Swasthya Manthan – 1 was held on 08th June, 2022, Swasthya Manthan- 2 was  held on 02nd August, 2022 and Swasthya Manthan – 3 was held on 27th September, 2022 under the  initiative of Dr. M S Lakshmi Priya, IAS, Mission Director – National Health Mission Assam.