Governor attends felicitation ceremony

Governor attends felicitation ceremony

Appeals the students to make the right use of time

Guwahati,Rongili Barta-  Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria attended a felicitation ceremony which was organised to honour the meritorious students belonging to the Jain community of Assam who passed the Class 10  and Class 12 exam of the SEBA, CBSE and ICSE board. Speaking at the function today which was organized by Jain International Trade Organization (JITO) North East Guwahati chapter at Don Bosco School auditorium here today, the Governor congratulated the meritorious students for getting the much desired result. Kataria said, “Today’s world is an extremely challenging world. One should constantly hone their talents and skills  to face the challenges. I wish you all to achieve success and happiness not only for yourself but also for the people around you to be able to contribute meaningfully to the social development of our beloved country.” The Governor said that, “My greetings to the parents and teachers who have played a pivotal role for the success of the students. Parents and teachers play an important role in the academic development of children. They give their everything to raise their children. My highest regards to all the parents and Gurus.”  The Governor also said that he is happy that there are many institutions in Assam, which are playing an important role in promoting education from primary level to higher level. These institutions encourage children by organizing various programs from time to time. JITO is one such organization which is working for the empowerment of the students. The Governor appealed to the students to set a target and put in their efforts and hard work to achieve the target. He also asked them to make the right use of time. He also said that a student’s life is all about getting education and preparing oneself for the larger goal of life.  Hailing JITO, the Governor said that conducting such felicitation programme encourages and motivates the students to do better in future. He said that despite being a commercial organization, JITO is continuously striving for the economic and social uplift of its society.  In total 145 students were felicitated with a certificate, a memento and cash award of Rs 5100. It may be mentioned that Jain International Trade Organization (JITO), North East Guwahati has organized the felicitation ceremony for exceptionally meritorious Jain students of Assam who have achieved outstanding results and scored above 90% marks in their exams class 10 and Class 12.  The programme was attended by Chairman, Board of Secondary Education Ramesh Jain, Chairman JITO East zoneVinod Baid, Chairman JITO Administrative Foundation Vinod Dugar, Chairman JITO North East Chapter Sunil Kathotia along with the students and their parents who were felicitated.