Governor attends a regional seminar on Women farmers/daily wage labourers

Governor attends a regional seminar on Women farmers/daily wage labourers

Hails women’s role as contributor to development

Guwahati,Rongili Barta- Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria attended a regional seminar on women farmers/ daily wage labourers organised by National Commission for Women in collaboration with SIPRD Assam at Assam Administrative Staff college here. Speaking at the conference, the Governor said that India is an agricultural country and the role of farmers in GDP is very important. He said, “Whenever we speak of farmers, the picture of male farmers naturally comes before us. Due to the customs and traditions inculcated in our hearts and minds for years, we still believe that farming is the work of men only”. However, he said that the situation is fast changing as women’s contribution as farmers in the agriculture sector is increasing day by day.  Along with household responsibilities, women are also handling the fields and barns. Rural women are not limited to just cooking, but they also work in the fields to support their families. Shri  Kataria also said it is a matter of pride that today women farmers and labourers are crossing the threshold of their homes and breaking the conservative shackles of the society. They are also using innovations and technologies in farming activities. Along with agricultural activities, women farmers are also making important contributions and achieving success in the fields of animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping and food processing. Many women have created their own identity in the society, which is exemplary for others. The Governor also said that the women farmers should utilise the schemes that the government has implemented for improving the rights of women farmers. Gender mainstreaming initiatives are being promoted in the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare through their capacity building and improving their access to technologies and other agricultural resources. The Governor further said that the economic empowerment of the  women is important  for the economic and overall development of the society.   Shri Kataria lauded the Women’s Commission for making an important contribution to empower the women. He said, “It is a commendable effort by the Women Commission to organize such seminars with the aim of making women of rural areas, women farmers and daily labourers self-reliant and providing them equal rights as men”. It may be noted that the seminar was organised with special emphasis on women farmers and daily wage labourers in relation to migration. P&RD Minister Ranjeet Kumar Dass,  Chairperson, National Commission for Women Rekha Sharma, Secretary P&RD Munindra Sharma, Chairperson of Assam State Women Commission Dr. Hemprabha Barthakur along with a host of other dignitaries attended the seminar.