Governor Assam’s Pratibha Protsahan Yojana 2024-25; Screening Test conducted successfully across the state

Governor Assam’s Pratibha Protsahan Yojana 2024-25; Screening Test conducted successfully across the state

Guwahati, Rongili Barta: The screening test for the Governor Assam’s Pratibha Protsahan Yojana 2024-25 was successfully conducted across four centres namely the Cotton University, Guwahati; Bongaigaon University, Bongaigaon; Jagannath Barooah University, Jorhat; and Gurucharan University, Silchar. A total of 511 students participated in the screening test.

The initiative, envisaged and initiated by Hon’ble Governor, Shri Lakshman Prasad Acharya, on the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday. The scheme aims at providing free coaching for UPSC Civil Services Examination to the aspiring candidates. The coaching will be facilitated and imparted by the reputed agencies in New Delhi (NCR), namely Pawan Chintan Dhara Ashram and Arya Pratibha Vikas Sansthan.

The screening test was conducted by Raj Bhavan, Assam, with the complete support from the district administrations at all test centres.