Celebration of “Udyamita Pakhwada” by Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM) under Panchayat &Rural Development Department, Govt. of Assam
Rongili Barta- On the occasion of the 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, a campaign namely “Udyamita Pakhwada” has been virtually launched by Shri Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India on 1st July, 2022 across the state as well as the country, and to be celebrated until 15th July, 2022. The aim is to highlight the importance of Non-Farm Livelihood Interventions and to accelerate the promotion of women-led enterprises in all the rural areas of the country. Therefore, various activities have been planned to achieve during the campaign, starting from identifying the potential SHG entrepreneurs, encouraging new SHG startups and providing financial support for starting an enterprise for manufacturing of quality products and marketing of those products developed by the SHGS of Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM) under the umbrella brand “ASOMI” promoted by ASRLM.
As the enterprises are to be promoted under Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP), One Stop Facility (OSF), Incubator and Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprise (PMFME) schemes, awareness sessions for the SHG members under ASRLM on aforementioned programs has been organized with the aim of mobilizing and motivating the large no. of people. Also, certain trainings on different aspects of the program like preparation of business plans, training on the operational procedure to the management committees of Block Resource Centre (BRC) under Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) & One Stop Facility (OSF) Centers under National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) have been planned and delivered at the project implementation of the respective Districts and Blocks for particular projects across the state.
Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ASRLM) aims to maintain the effective marketing of the SHG Products with the support of e-commerce sectors by providing larger platform for marketing to the rural SHG women as well as the trainings on producing eye catchy branding for their products.
At the eve of this Udyamita Pakhwada ASRLM has planned to give funding support as Community Enterprise Fund to 120 numbers of Enterprises of ASRLM SHG members under SVEP and 120 SHG entrepreneurs under OSF as well. There will be intensive training of 45 BRC Committee members under SVEP and 56 Business Development Service Providers (BDSP) under NRETP. Mass awareness campaign planned for 400 ASRLM SHG members under SVEP Blocks. A total of 100 numbers of Loan Proposals for Financing the Enterprises through Banks is also a part of this drive. 50 numbers of SHG products proposed to be uploaded on Flipkart, Amazon and GeM Platforms and a massive planning has been done to cover 2000 SHG members with a support of seed capital amounting to Rs 4 Crores under PMFME. Completion of MIS entry of various projects and documentation of success stories as well as social media campaigns of the activities have been planned.