For the first time, on June 17, under the initiative of the AASU, the Roopkonwar Memorial Award: Announcement of this year’s award to weaver Padmasri Shri Hemprabha Chutiya

For the first time, on June 17, under the initiative of the AASU, the Roopkonwar Memorial Award: Announcement of this year’s award to weaver Padmasri Shri Hemprabha Chutiya
M. Hashim Ali,Dibrugarh,Rongili Barta-  Roopkonwar Jyotiprasad Agarwala, who was born in the Tamolbari tea garden of Dibrugarh district, is well known among the people of Assam for his contributions to Assamese life. In the name of such a distinguished son of Dibrugarh, the All Dibrugarh District Students’ Union has announced to the media that it has decided to annually present this award to artists, practitioners, folk culture enthusiasts, social organizers, and individuals who have made significant contributions to national life in the fields of education, literature, culture, and economy in various districts of Assam.On June 17, on the occasion of Roopkonwar Jyotiprasad Agarwala’s birth anniversary, in a special event to be held at the auditorium of Kanai College in Dibrugarh city, the district student union will present this year’s Roopkonwar Memorial Award to the eminent weaver Padma Shri Hemprabha Chutiya for her outstanding contributions to Assamese traditional weaving or handloom industry. The award will include a special memento, a letter of appreciation, and cash.