‘JAA and NUJI’ mourn the death of journalist intellectual Anil Baruah
Guwahati, Rongili Barta- The Journalists Association of Assam (JAA) and National unon of Journalists India (NUJI) has expressed its deep condolences over the death of prominent journalist and intellectual Anil Baruah who breathed his last yesterday at Guwahati. In a condolence message, JAA chief advisor and NUJI national vice president Bhupen Goswami, JAA president Dhirendra Nath Chakraborty and general secretary Dalim Phukan said the death of noted journalist sharp writer Anil Baruah has caused irreparable damage to the media world of Assam. The prominent journalist was the guardian of JAA and gave advice to JAA on every issue. In 2018, JAA officially honoured the prominent journalist . Apart from journalism, the late Baruah authored several useful books and contributed to the treasury of Assamese literature The JAA wishes eternal peace of the departed soul conveyed condolences to the bereaved family.