Governor attends 25th year celebrations of Vivekananda Institute of Culture

Governor attends 25th year celebrations of Vivekananda Institute of Culture

Urges youth to emulate teachings of Swami Vivekananda

Guwahati, Rongili Barta: Assam Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi said, “Vivekananda Institute of Culture one of the offshoots of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari which was envisaged by late Mananeeye Eknath Ranade, has been playing a significant role for promotion and preservation of culture in the Northeast part of our country”.

Speaking on the occasion of the foundation day celebration to mark the 25 years of Vivekananda Institute of Culture at  Pragjyoti ITA Cultural Centre in the city today, Governor Prof. Mukhi said that Vivekananda Institute of Culture since its inception has been on the forefront to promote and propagate the culture of Northeast.

The Governor said that Swami Vivekananda represented Hinduism at the Parliament of World’s Religion at Chicago and projected  Hinduism in its right perspective.  He also said that the young generations across the globe should be acquainted with the ideals and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda in order to enable themselves to shape a strong character and inculcate love for the nation. He also urged upon Vivekananda Institute of Culture with its parent body to take the lead in taking the philosophy of Hinduism across the world.

Prof. Mukhi also said that a nation is built and sustained by its culture as it binds the people of a nation. Today as recorded by UNESCO, Indian culture is the only continuing culture in the world. So it is important that each person of this country needs to be aware of its cultural traits and have faith and pride in its culture.

Prof. Mukhi hailed the efforts of Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture for working towards strengthening the spiritual and cultural edifice of the country and putting them on a higher pedestal. The institute which is soundly based on the teachings and philosophies of Swami Vivekananda is working tirelessly for the youth development and channelizing their mental and physical energies for socio-cultural transformation of the country.

The Governor on the occasion conferred VKIC Sanman to Namgyal Lepcha from Sikkim and Rothell Khongsit from Meghalaya for their contribution to the preservation and conservation of folk culture.

It may be noted that VKIC is an institute dedicated to the documentation and research of culture and way of life of the diverse communities living in Northeast India. It is also working to inspire the local leadership for preservation and protection of culture.

Pujya Govinda Dev Giri Maharaj, Chairman of VKIC Dr.Joram Begi, Vice-Chairman of VKIC Hanumanta Rao along with a host of other dignitaries were present at the function.