Assam Governor meets  CEM and EMs of KAAC

Assam Governor meets  CEM and EMs of KAAC

Assures all help for the development of the KAAC

Guwahati,Rongili Barta-  Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, Chief Executive Member Dr.Tuliram Ronghang along with other elected members of  the KAAC   met Assam Governor Gulab Chand Kataria at Raj Bhavan. During the meeting, they discussed on several issues. Shri Kataria said that the sixth schedule autonomous council was created to fulfill the aims and aspirations of the people living in a particular area. Therefore it is the bounden duty of all the public representatives to take the extra effort to fulfill the aspirations of the people belonging to the sixth schedule areas. Accordingly, he asked CEM, KAAC Dr.Tuliram Ronghang and other EMs to work accordingly to meet the expectations of the people. At the same time he also assured that Raj Bhavan, Assam will always be available to help Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council for the development of the areas falling under KAAC.