A Step Towards Humanity: Axomiya Yuva Jagaran Samiti’s Noble Endeavor – Nikunja Sharma

Pc- The Positive Psychology People

A Step Towards Humanity: Axomiya Yuva Jagaran Samiti’s Noble Endeavor

Nikunja Sharma

In a world where progress often overshadows compassion, few possess the courage to step forward and make a tangible difference. On July 10, 2024, the Axomiya Yuva Jagaran Samiti, an organization steadfast in its dedication to societal development, undertook a heartwarming initiative. Under the guidance of Social Service Secretary of the organisation; Miss Swarnali Debnath; the team reached out to the underprivileged, distributing clothes to those who have yet to experience the comfort and happiness many of us take for granted.

This noble act was spearhead by the Joint Secretary cum co-founder of the organisation; Mr. Nikunja Sharma, who took charge of the project with unwavering commitment. Alongside him, dedicated members Darhaswar Khungur Bodo, Aswini Kumar Deka, Purnima Medhi, Sneha Biswas and Kankhi Biswas worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the initiative.

The distribution drive, carried out with meticulous planning and heartfelt sincerity, highlighted the Samiti’s unwavering commitment to uplifting society’s marginalized sections. As we reflect on this commendable effort, it reminds us that progress is not just measured by economic growth but by the empathy and support we extend to our fellow human beings. The Axomiya Yuva Jagaran Samiti’s initiative is a poignant reminder that we all have the capacity to make a difference, one kind gesture at a time.