Govt Ayurvedic College platinum jubilee programme begins today

Govt Ayurvedic College platinum jubilee programme begins today

Rongili Barta- The Government Ay- urvedic College at Jalukbari has stepped into its 75th year of existence, a press release stated. At a time when Indians had coalesced under one sky to fight the oppressive Britishers out from our soil, some of the prominent leaders of the freedom movement from the State ruminat- ed over the idea of establishing an institute for propagating the Ayurvedic System of medicine. Though the British left India, they had spread their footsteps in every sphere threatening the indigenous culture and a need to was felt to safe- guard Indianness. And thus as a measure to pro- tect and preserve the culture, heritage and Gan- dhiji’s call for ‘Swaraj’, under the astute and steadfast leadership of Lokpriya Gopinath Bord- oloi, Dr Jagdish Chandra Bhattacharya and Dr Bhu- baneswar Baruah, the Govt Ayurvedic College situated now at Jalukbari came into existence. Initially, the college carried out its activities from the Assam Engineering Institute (AEI) campus at Chandmari and later it was shifted to its permanent campus at Jalukbari. Nearly, 3000 ayurvedic doctors have passed out from the college till now. In 2001, two post- graduate departments were added to the col- lege and later in 2014 another six post graduate departments gave the college the much needed impetus. The college now enters into its 75th year of existence, facing insurmountable hardships, chal- lenges, struggles as well as new opportunities to excel on December 20 after its foundation way back in 1948. The two-day inaugural ceremony will kickstart on December 20 and a wide range of activities have been planned for the same, the release added. The inaugural ceremony on December 20 will be marked by hoisting of 75 number of flags by 75 prominent personalities of the State from various fields at 8.30 am. This will be followed by an open meeting which will be graced by Prof Nani Gopal Mahanta, Adviser to the Department, of Education, Government of Assam, renowned litterateur and musician Dr Anjan Jyoti Choud- hury, Prof (Dr) Arup Kumar Sharma, a renowned scientist of IIT, Guwahati and also an excellent music composer. The events on December 21 will begin with a car and bike rally from the historic Latasil play- ground to the premises of the college at Jaluk- bari at around 6 am. Thereafter, a mega alumni meet will take place at the college campus. In the evening popular Assamese singers-Deep- lina Deka, Babu Baruah, DJ Maroon, Bitu Garg will enthral the audience. The organisers have pleaded presence and cooperation from all quarters to make the plati- num jubilee celebrations a grand success, the release added.