Assam to observe Bodofa’s birthday as Chatra Divas

Assam to observe Bodofa’s birthday as Chatra Divas

Guwahati, Rongili Barta- Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma during his visit to Kokrajhar to chair the cabinet meeting of the State government, announced that the birthday of Bodofa Upendranath Brahma (31 March) will be celebrated as Chatra Divas every year. Paying his visit to the burial ground of Bodofa at Dotoma area, Sarma offered floral tributes to the important social revolutionary for the cause of Bodo people. He also laid the foundation stone of infrastructure development involving an outlay of Rupees 10 crore in the burial ground of Bodofa. Later he visited Bodofa’s residence and spent some time with the family members. He recalled Bodofa’s contribution to socio-economic, cultural and academic empowerment of the Bodos and other people belonging to BTR. Sarma inaugurated the Bodoland Administrative Staff College in Kokrajhar and commented that since an efficient administration is key to development and people’s welfare, the concerned college would help immensely to the government employees. The college would be helpful in infusing administrative acumen among the government servants of BTR and outside. Visiting the construction site of Kokrajhar Medical College, Sarma asked the construction agency to ensure its timely completion. He hoped that the medical college should be ready to start its academic activities from next year. In presence of State health minister Keshab Mahanta, water resources minister Pijush Hazarika, BTC chief Pramod Boro and others, Sarma also laid the foundation stone for VCDC Bhawan in the premises of BTC secretariat. Now all VCDCs can expect own office buildings. Additionally, he laid the foundation for EM & MCLA towers which would accommodate quarters for them at Harinaguri area of Kokrajhar.